O meu falecido, mas nunca esquecido pai Francisco Guerreiro era um artista também, os seus trabalhos em cortiça são o legado que os Arquivos Guerreiro têm o orgulho de serem exposição permanente.
My late but never forgotten father Francisco Guerreiro, was also an artist, his work in cork are the legacy that Warrior Archives are proud to be in permanent exhibition.
My late but never forgotten father Francisco Guerreiro, was also an artist, his work in cork are the legacy that Warrior Archives are proud to be in permanent exhibition.
O meu pai gostava dos filmes do Tarzan e desde pequeno que os víamos juntos. Os animais da selva eram a sua predileção e fez uma coleção deles muito apreciada, mas que parei de vender nas feiras de artesanato, porque reparei que depois ficava sem esta memória do meu pai. Os poucos que tiveram a sorte de adquirir as peças ficaram extremamente agradecidos e durante algum tempo o meu pai recebeu cartas dos seus admiradores.
My father liked the Tarzan films and since I was a small boy, we saw them together. Jungle animals were his predilection and made a collection of them greatly appreciated, but I stopped selling in craft fairs, because I noticed that after this was no memory of my father. The few who were lucky enough to acquire the pieces were extremely grateful and for some time my father received letters from his admirers.
My father liked the Tarzan films and since I was a small boy, we saw them together. Jungle animals were his predilection and made a collection of them greatly appreciated, but I stopped selling in craft fairs, because I noticed that after this was no memory of my father. The few who were lucky enough to acquire the pieces were extremely grateful and for some time my father received letters from his admirers.